
154 Audio Reviews

82 w/ Responses

given that you "just wanted to make a odd song" you did a bang up job.
keep that up... i think

jonadrew responds:

Haha! Glad you enjoyed it? Sadly, it's only every once in a while I can make a decent song in like this...Thanks for reviewing though :P

Tox believes in you

I would have liked to listen to the mashup if the voice had mated the audio better

Maybe try to find the lyrics as a voice only and then overlap it so you can play with both the song and the mans voice independently...
Good try at this

putzpie responds:

Yeah I can dig that, I'll have to keep that in mind.

Thanks though.

if you were to re-edit this, i would really look back into changing up the intro more then a basic background of a single drum chord,
and a spacing out melody

Repetition is not a good friend to call a friend, it leaves many pieces and people being called bland and run-on...
But simple repetition says: "but we have to keep doing the same thing, people will learn to love it!"
Go listen to the song...... HMnrl0tmd3k..... On YouTube
Peaceful and played back can still be greatly complex, it's all in how you play with sounds and how you introduce different melodies and feelings to the listener

NGKFlower responds:

Thanks for the feedback, I'll work on it a bit more. I've been planning on redoing this one for some time.

as a reminder though in this song, remember that you can play with the bass kick more then a :.... ONE TWO THREE FOUR
You can change it from left to right, increase the volume or decrease it, stagger it to emphasize a melody or hate it after a studder to bring out a different sound or idea

nothing is solid, everything can shift

That's some quality tunes right there, even if they are mismatched to all white.
I'm actually sad to hear that you finished it so soon, it felt like you were building up to a greater and better tune

i will be listening if you make a longer or extended song with that kind of intro to it
very well done

id love to hear you play with the bass kick more then just the simple : one TWO.... You are going on right now
Otherwise, liked what you did with the front electro sounds and synth

ohhhh common :(
You completely soiled the buildup to a melody at 0.58
And again at 1.32
move 1.50 to 0.56 and go from there

Wayv responds:

I will assume the weight of your disappointment reflects on the effectiveness of that buildup xD
I know doing what I did here would never sell records, but I just did something different because I wanted to.

3.27 and on, I don't know what you were doing there with the muffled electronic sounds, but it definitely detracted from the quality that you set for your self ealier on

i would also like to hear you change up the piano crystal sound that you have going on... Not enough to make it change to something outside of the theme you have going on already but enough of a change to prevent the words run-on from coming out

When the impossible happens, challenge your assumptions and the correct answers will flow

Eric @River

Age 33, Male

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Calgary Alberta

Joined on 3/13/07

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