
154 Audio Reviews

82 w/ Responses

the canine barks didn't help throughout the song, i would definitely keep the howls though, bring them out a smidgen more

also i liked that you had a pause in the middle...

HOWEVER a pause usually means a change of tone... a change of pace.. not just put it right back in

if you are trying to dust off a piece of furniture, you dist it with something... you then should not just simply shake that item right over the dusted area... its self defeating...
change it up a little!

digging the beat though :3

very commonly i close my eyes and listen to peoples creations and then, see where my imagination takes me...
from a nice flowing stream... or maybe feeling how your heart fluctuates as a chickadee lands on your hand to feed on the seed in your palm...

i close my eyes to this song... and it is just dizzy... revolving... painful... bad...

start with simple sounds.. a chime... a bell... maybe a combo of the two...
then go out... dont try to add 7 things and mismatch them into a song

balancedbirds responds:

To be honest,I use only two hours to make this music and a little time to check it.
So the first and last is so simple that the music is ...^_^
Lots of music of Shadow Meadow were composed when I was twelwe.this is one of them.

Thanks for your advice!I'll find better melody and instrument group to make better music!

i would start with listening to other people and how they put music together, start talking to others about their techniques...

in absolute honesty... this song.... sounds.. really bad...

balancedbirds responds:

I'm just a learner.I can't compare with others^_^
I'll learn how to make better music here.Maybe after 7 years,my music will make you amazed^o^

who sung this song?

yeah lets keep it that way -.-

chicken-tits responds:

so hursh, u brek r herts </3

a very soothing and original piece
i loved your allotted mood that you had coming into this and then you carried it out flawlessly with the use of a max of 3 instruments at one time that are audible.

very very well done

we all know that this is going to the front page.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

How so o.O?
Thanks for being so confident about it though! :3

i have to say that this would make a very interesting scene in a movie... from a horror intro, to an epic bachground, to a horror scene again, and then back to the wide openness of the orchestra again

and as i watch the video it goes with it makes sense that this is the thing that it would go with...

one of the better songs i have listened to tonight

keep that up yo

Shozi responds:

thanks man. glad you like it :)

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Eric @River

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