
82 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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the use of funk and electronic guitar at the beggining was different
it did add to the flavor of the rest of the song

Overall, it was not that great of a song, I did hear you playing around with the bassline beats at 1.25, and 1.45
But it became repetitive after about a two minutes in

AliceMako responds:

Yeah this is more about the mixing i did ( electronic guitar/drums, acoustic guiter/drums ) then the composition itself, i don't have much of a feel for disco yet but i might get there.

Thanks for listening.

a good place for you to take this is to expand heavily between 0.30 and 0.55
the main song rests inside of that time frame, where you could convey a message about something going wrong in a lab... or something going astray inside of an experiment, or maybe a computer of some sort that has failed...

it could be used in many different space aged videos but it would need to be greatly longer

IF you did not want to expand on the original song type, then i would go into a harder version of a techno or a electronic song, so the listener could hear that the setting and mood has now changed and the song is ramping up, and its getting more serious now and the real story of the music is only now being told

its a really good START to a long and beautiful song that can tell of failure, resistance, and then success... keep working on it

TheMadWasp responds:

Thanks for reviewing, I am really pleased to hear your feedback. As I said in the description I wasn't sure how to continue, but your review has given me an idea on what to do next, thanks. The idea was kinda meant to be a surgery-themed tune,

I like how you blended the slow parts with him fast parts in your song, the addition and choice of triangle made a wonderful base line addition

Well done, would be interested to see where you would take this in a re-visit

vibe-newgrounds responds:

Thank you. Though I don't quite understand the last sentence about a re-visit. :)

It may be the first time that you have used saxophone, but you did an amazing job
Absolutely use it more often

it sounds just like a real life professional level recording of a song

ZuneInc responds:

Thanks a lot man

Wasn't bad, but it felt kind of repetitive you know?
By about half way through its near a copy paste for the last half of the song which gets a little redundant for a house mix because you can do anything with a house mix

Now fine, fine, I get that its house, which negates that, and it can be anything, it really wants to be, but it's mostly the same chords, the same beats, and the same sounds all the way through

Would love to see more variation on this track

memad responds:

Thanks for the feedback :)

I learn more and more everyday.

the reason it sounds mostly the same is because it's the same chopped sample, so I only had a limited selection of chords.

Liked the song, remember, you can include fades, moving different sounds from left to right speakers, and volume levels of certain sounds :3

ROUGE responds:

oh sh*t i forgot to do those ahhhh

The first thing that came to mind... Crazy Frog.

I would re-classify this as an electronic house instead of a dance,
Also id look back at the clapping you added in at around 1.12, while it does give a nice first user kind of feeling, I'd think you are above that kind of thing

KennyChu responds:

cool. thx for the kind review!
yes the clap may be bit over. my first attempt on this song!
i gain inspiration or if something come up to mind I just remixing it.

Use more layers on the base line, add more beats than just a solid: one TWO one TWO
You can also add more layers for the background noise too! Go wild with it!
Don't make a 3 layer, make a 10 layer :o

Enjoyed what you did with the electro lead on this though.... Very... back to basics and hard lined results

KennyChu responds:

yeah, need a bit of work on some of the sounds.

I would go back to the fundamentals that you had in your audio file listed as "first"
You had a good thing going there, and then you are heading down a path that makes it all sound like garbage

The only good thing about this file is that it makes a good loop because i can't tell where it starts and ends for the most part

Tarteviant responds:

thanks was just playing around with some effects and backbeats

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Eric @River

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