
82 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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if you were to re-edit this, i would really look back into changing up the intro more then a basic background of a single drum chord,
and a spacing out melody

Repetition is not a good friend to call a friend, it leaves many pieces and people being called bland and run-on...
But simple repetition says: "but we have to keep doing the same thing, people will learn to love it!"
Go listen to the song...... HMnrl0tmd3k..... On YouTube
Peaceful and played back can still be greatly complex, it's all in how you play with sounds and how you introduce different melodies and feelings to the listener

NGKFlower responds:

Thanks for the feedback, I'll work on it a bit more. I've been planning on redoing this one for some time.

ohhhh common :(
You completely soiled the buildup to a melody at 0.58
And again at 1.32
move 1.50 to 0.56 and go from there

Wayv responds:

I will assume the weight of your disappointment reflects on the effectiveness of that buildup xD
I know doing what I did here would never sell records, but I just did something different because I wanted to.

It was mostly the guitar that reminded me of summer

In the future, you might want to change up the baseline more instead of playing the same baseline over and over, there could be a break or two, or a new instrument that picks up the same baseline to make it sound different
Keep it up

ZuneInc responds:

Yeah..i think ill do somethin about that bassline. youre second to say something about it.

I would re-upload this under electronic - house, because this actually falls into an electronic epic category, which I have not heard in a while now

To boot, it is very well done too, your choice of the violin complimented the bass nicely
This makes me want to hear your other works

Free2Play responds:

Thanks! That's one thing that's hard for me to get from my head to a song is a good sound and mix of instruments. I was really focusing on making an interesting dynamic composition. A lot of elements of my songs get stale fast.

Nice job on allowing this to be a loop ^.^
There really is nothing wrong with this track, I liked that you used the electronic synth to your advantage and played with the front sound just enough to make it sound different

I would however not classify this as an ambient, id leave this just simply as electronic
Well done

Kr0n0L0gik responds:

Thanks! ^_^

2.22 is a little bit of a run on

The audio cuts out at 2.34 and its all just dead air to 3.04
Nice choice to have the cymbal run out and then start your track again
A little more work could be done on the audio from 4.24 to 4.41
The audio cuts out again at 4.41

This really is one of your poorer performances that you have submitted,
keep trying

SP34K3RM4N responds:

Did you say that 2:22 was a little run on, That actually happens in house music and The audio cuts out at 2:34 It's meant to be cutted out because i'm having trouble with the drop and that's why i need somebody's help to create it for me A little more could be done at 4:24-4:41 I've done some hard work to it and it seems like it's enough and of course the audio cuts out again at 4:41 because what i said earlier i'm having trouble with the drop and i need somebody to fill it in now if you want to collaborate with me just right click the CD and click "Download song as WAV" then create your drop at 2:34-3:04 and 4:24-4:41 and PM me and i'll hear it Contest ends by 5/15/14 so hurry and have a very nice day tox. :)

Now that is something amazing that you have done there.
I can hear the difference between the quality work that you have put forward and most of the people here, the way you play with the soundtrack is really something special, not something someone finds every day.

Extremely well done!
A strong 5; I hope to see you near the top of the charts this month for this track.

johnfn responds:

Thank you!

I like your choice to have a break here and there to re-vamp the bass kick
I can't really pick up anything that is wrong with the track that you have going on right now
Moving forward I would love to hear you change the base up into a different instrument, or a different track to keep the song fresh, and you play with the front chords, enough to keep the listener guessing

I liked it

very well done so far :3

Acidicfriend responds:

Thanks friend :)

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Eric @River

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