
82 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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not metal
not rock
not classic rock

this is sort of like a degraded version of a video game loop that you would find in a slaughter house 5, 8-bit, comical circus, doctors dropping acid and doing lobotomies, murdering ,........ scene...



not your best work... keep trying

Czyszy responds:

yup, it's pretty avant garde and not really a masterpiece

Again, "holy hot cheese dam"


Civicus responds:

Lol, thanks!

If this is a real life track you are very tallented and should hold your head high for your abilities with your hands

If this is a audio program recording... Holy hot cheese damn!
Its perfect for rhythm and timing, very poppy and tight

Either way this track is amaxing for the standard quality of the audio portal, keep doing..... This

Civicus responds:

Yeah, this is one of the songs that I have posted on here that I can play irl. Most of my other songs are done by recording each part individually and putting it all together. Thank you for the input!

Asian themes are usually very spaced out and rythmic for what they sound like, even when the song is re made into a dance, or techno or electronica song the music itself retains a very spaced out format of note/revibe/revibe/ repeat. pp
Drum and base is note/revibe repeat ff
Rock is note/note/note/revibe revibe revibe ffff

Start with a slow song when you are making a oriental piece, then commonly a increase in play speed is what will kick it up to a video game or electronica song

Oh-Sama responds:

Thanks for your suggestions but to be honest I'm a hobbyist musician my friend :)
I'll try to keep in mind some of what you've said!

Id say stick with just the video game music bud...
The vocals..... Your vocals are holding ya back

Czyszy responds:

Yup, i can't agree more; I'm aware that my vocals aren't all that great. Definitely need more practice.

One word. Dang.
Dig the use of Patrick and spongebob in this!

A grea use of the splice tool and you equally did a great job of cutting audio here and there to make it non repetitive.

Could have sounded better with more variety but! I did like the aidio you put together

More variety in voices.
Step away from the dubstep/drum and base background sounds a few times
Keep making music

Zanzlanz responds:

Thanks tox, I really appreciate your review man! I'm pretty sure I've improved a lot since I made this track a couple years ago, but the advice is still really helpful :D

"Keep making music"
Thank you!!

Why do your actuated themes soom to cut off at about 60%done

Dont get that

Again... Same star stuff as last time

deadlyfishes responds:

Yeah these are logos/jingles for the podcast. Most of them are direct cuts/excerpts from longer tracks that ARE more developed. This one is a small segment from this piece: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/526947

Short, sweet, right to the point, easy to use in every game.


Boring too.... Do something creative... Make a song... Sing... Hum... Rap.. Mix something noone likes and make it funky fresh

1 star for usefulness
-4 stars for being... Soooooo.... So... Generic

deadlyfishes responds:

Again this was uploaded for a specific purpose. You may want to look at the rest of my profile. I just uploaded this really epic track here: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/609697

holy crap. even on my low setting for audio volume this is ear bleeding loud

whats up with that

balancedbirds responds:

That's what I want to say after"however"......
It's a big problem.

When the impossible happens, challenge your assumptions and the correct answers will flow

Eric @River

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