
82 Audio Reviews w/ Response

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Slow down your repeater by a bit at the beginning, remember rain is slow, yet deliberate

peaceful yet powerful

a little slow haunting trance is nice...

as a rule of thumb for new people that are coming into the audio world... you might try to think of a song that you want to make by humming it
in any given situation, hum the song out and remember it...
record it
then play it back to yourself at your computer when you have the availability and then make a song that follows the tune that you make

make some noise with your given sound maker :3
then let it flow through you and out through your fingers ^.^

balancedbirds responds:

I'll do as what you said.

very commonly i close my eyes and listen to peoples creations and then, see where my imagination takes me...
from a nice flowing stream... or maybe feeling how your heart fluctuates as a chickadee lands on your hand to feed on the seed in your palm...

i close my eyes to this song... and it is just dizzy... revolving... painful... bad...

start with simple sounds.. a chime... a bell... maybe a combo of the two...
then go out... dont try to add 7 things and mismatch them into a song

balancedbirds responds:

To be honest,I use only two hours to make this music and a little time to check it.
So the first and last is so simple that the music is ...^_^
Lots of music of Shadow Meadow were composed when I was twelwe.this is one of them.

Thanks for your advice!I'll find better melody and instrument group to make better music!

i would start with listening to other people and how they put music together, start talking to others about their techniques...

in absolute honesty... this song.... sounds.. really bad...

balancedbirds responds:

I'm just a learner.I can't compare with others^_^
I'll learn how to make better music here.Maybe after 7 years,my music will make you amazed^o^

who sung this song?

yeah lets keep it that way -.-

chicken-tits responds:

so hursh, u brek r herts </3

we all know that this is going to the front page.

LucidShadowDreamer responds:

How so o.O?
Thanks for being so confident about it though! :3

one of the better songs i have listened to tonight

keep that up yo

Shozi responds:

thanks man. glad you like it :)

given that you "just wanted to make a odd song" you did a bang up job.
keep that up... i think

jonadrew responds:

Haha! Glad you enjoyed it? Sadly, it's only every once in a while I can make a decent song in like this...Thanks for reviewing though :P

I would have liked to listen to the mashup if the voice had mated the audio better

Maybe try to find the lyrics as a voice only and then overlap it so you can play with both the song and the mans voice independently...
Good try at this

putzpie responds:

Yeah I can dig that, I'll have to keep that in mind.

Thanks though.

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