
85 Game Reviews

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incredible. you managed to create a game that actually was able to 100% my cpu and kick on the emergency alarm and fans

you get an extra star just for that feat

TheMillz responds:

I can't take all the credit, Unity did most of the work by developing an html exporter that can't even do the one job it was named after... I suggest the downloadable version if you are still interested: https://shadowband.itch.io/stand-up-or-shut-up

Tbh I only tried to make an html release on a whim, can't believe it produced something actually....

that is bunk that i win the level and after i am compleated if i dont go get the ball before the next level loads then i lose a life

irlGames responds:

True, thanks for the feedback

it's so simple, and it's education. Thank you for the upload, this is something I could give to a child that is learning the way that the alphabet sounds like and i think that there would be some progress on being able to make the sounds of various letters

SuperGibaLogan responds:

now your child can learn greek pog

same score as my roll

31hashtag responds:

you deal point of 1 piercing damage

not gonna lie... watching the screen fill up with cubes, then pressing the $10 button a few times and then finding anywhere possible on the screen for me to place a bomb and then watch a cacophony of the end times roll out on the dice side AND THEN watching an enemy that only has 100 health get blasted with over something that I can only describe as 90,000 damage because all the damage numbers now are covered by each other over their entirety and then when they hit the enemy it literally takes up the entire screen with red damage indicators.... all the while dropping my frame rate from a respectable 240 FPS to an eye-watering 0.5 to 1 FPS... is somewhat satisfying
it makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something incredible in a hot second

on the other side of the coin... these enemies jump from 100 health to just under a million in like 4 enemies doing this strat... SOOO I can tell I'm taking this entire fantastical situation from 0 to 100 faaaar faster than what it was probably designed to do

good game... I feel good about myself after playing this game

well this is cute
maybe a little more definition on the little dude for next time. Their animations are wonderfully simple

a few bugs to work out, and a pause button would be nice
and don't forget to add instructions for people that have never played geometry dash before

NeuronExtractor responds:

Thanks I'm working on it, also I'm going to add more levels probably so no

it needs a reset of level option, otherwise, that would have gone in my favorites
i got over jumped a little on the red vs blue door level and was not able to reset

When the impossible happens, challenge your assumptions and the correct answers will flow

Eric @River

Age 33, Male

Trucker/HD mechanic


Calgary Alberta

Joined on 3/13/07

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