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actualy not that bad...

ya there is... just make sure that the floor is on a differnt layer... and make the original floor work then you can make your character, in this instance the floor repeate is making a single area chance... its a simple process... uhhh... here http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /262502 and you will have the tools to make it correctly

LotusClock responds:

The floor, background and Ness each are on their own layer. Dunno if the actual problem I was pointing out showed up for you, but it's one of the vertical stripes of the floor that gets shape tweened wrong, and I'm really not sure why since I tweened all the other stripes the same way and they move correctly.


i have not seen anyting like this, this is very interesting, your use of motion, the use of the motion clips, and your art work that you use, the use of actual life is integrated into something that you made, very nice work

Skaijo responds:

I appreciate that. If we don't animate ourselves into corners, we can expand and try new techniques. I would have liked to do this in an ultimately smaller file size, :P but I'm glad you liked the final product.

hay thar

i can wait for the sequel!!!! it ...will... be... AWESOME!!!! XD

Penciwthekid responds:

Spider Dude is dead.

There will be no sequel. :c

fix the coding

u messed up the coding... and now the only way for you to get past the begining part of the speash is to left click and press forwards... and that getting real old realy fast here.

LiveByTheSprite responds:

Press the down arrow key on your KEYBOARD. Don't click on the button itself.

kick ***!

all i can say is kick *** man
love it
gave you a 5

there was nothing that wasent underdone or overdone,

"awsom" and "perfect animation" is what i actualy said after it finished,

i bow down to your work here,

...there were some parts in the movie that i was thinking ...
Mmm...Mmm...Mmm...finger lickin good...

very well done

creachafeacha responds:

Wow, thanks!

woah... a bit dark and brouding isant it?

i actualy enjoyed it but i have to say ...woah... this is a bit dark for people to watch isant it?

i mean just woah... i instantly know that there is a story behind this and i would enjoy hearing it but....

did i say woah...
here i will say it again

i enjoyed the visuals and when you did the rain i enjayed it but as a sugestion... use a smaller brush or spray can if you want to make rain... the kind of rain you had no offence is actualy complementry of a typhoon and such, and i know that you were only trying to make a simple rain storm, but the fact is, (it looks a bit over the top on rain) other things could be just as simple as a more even brush stroke would look any thing that you do in the future much more sucsessful...

remember these are just tips in my opion!... it dosent mean that i dident like it... hell i realy enjoyed it actualyi had yo go back and watch it two more times to find things i dident like... and there were the smallest things...

i enjoyed the over all message that you gave out and the fact that you drove it home with the ending sequence made a real difference.

i realy truely enjoy your work and cant wait for more mind provoking and reality bending art

much gratitude

Ninja-Spoon responds:

Thank you a lot for your comments and suggestions. I'll really put that to mind about the rain. Thanks agian.

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Eric @River

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