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very well done on the animation for climbing over a ledge, funny, and re-watchable.
well done my dude

FramePerfectJump responds:

Thank you, this was a ton of effort.

that would make a pretty good 3 part series or a movie... the brother coming back from the stars and releasing discord and teaming with the changelings, to fight against luna, Celestia and all the elements of harmony...

there would have to be explosions and a number of emergency pinky supplies stashes all over the place, and the magic...

shit would be wild with magic...

LessThanNormal responds:

What we hand in mind exactly, although a different way things would play out here and there. And if its MLP, you gotta know itdll have Pinkie and magic.

9.3 MB!!!???

how in the hell did you get 9.3 MG out of this, i mean it looked a bit complex, but 9.3?
this dies not look like stop animation...
i dont get it

Weenog responds:

the original HD avi file is about 2.91gig large.
Nearly all of it is on 1's (meaning it about twice the speed and amount of drawings in standard animation)... totaling more then 380 hand drawn scetches that were individualy scanned in, lots of them coloured in with photoshop (most of them in toons) .... the scenes in the beginning and the end had to have a real big resolution aswell becuase of the zoom in/out .
I was realy suprized to, but it turns out it's just that frikkin big.


it may be only 15 kb but it kicks the crap out of my comp, :]
i loved the colors on it, and am wondering if you will up to a more low quality version for the slower comps on the system? other then that, awesomeness

spidyhemanth responds:

thanks if you want some more you can contactme at spidyhemanth@gmail.com

improvements needed

there is some serious lag issues that need to be addressed here... your movie kicked the crap right out of my computer... and i have no idea why. but no other video does that that i have come across...
as for the actual movie. make sure that there is more animation in the talking, not just standing around and then their mouth opens. have them move, express emotion, and have comical emotion when he says that he doesn't know what NG is... i am sure that you would have got a higher score if you had done so.

ThyGentleman responds:

yeah i see that a little and im not sure on how to stop it...maybe if i save it as compact or something...

totaly love it...

i totally loved it.. it was cute... but unfortunately i have to rate it on its performance... gave it a 2... if there was a moment that the character flips out and beats the crap out of the pokE then i would have given it a higher rating... oh.. and make sure that those hands are correct in the future.

Wilyvsrockman responds:

lol.. i thaught abouth the flip out thing .. it could be a button to stop the animation .. i'll think about adding that one XD

yes .. I'll work on the hand, it was a quick animation .. for an event on my DA

thanks for the comment ^^
hope you will like my next one even more ^^

that hammar

that hammer is actually a ban hammer

XxCrustyxX responds:

A ban hammer it is then.

When the impossible happens, challenge your assumptions and the correct answers will flow

Eric @River

Age 33, Male

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