When the impossible happens, challenge your assumptions and the correct answers will flow

Eric @River

Age 33, Male

Trucker/HD mechanic


Calgary Alberta

Joined on 3/13/07

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Posted by River - November 18th, 2013

skiing is like riding on a cloud, its extesy and happiness, its freedom and death's grip when all you can see around you is the mountain rushing past you and knowing that every movement could be your last if something happens,
its cold and bitter if you fail, and exciting in your challenge of nature, its defiant in the respect that we as a species will activly seek out to put our selves in an environment that is both deadly highly pricy for our natural selected economy, all to fall off a large rock and then call it fun ...

but then you get to the mountain and you see the size of the thing that you are about to be going down and your mind begins to race with both the consequences and the exhilaration that you will be experience soon, the joys and the wind, the activity, and the frost, the snow ice and powder

a gentle snow that lands on the hill only serves as one thing, speed trails.. as you fly down the mountain and then turn your self around and all you see if the powder/snow that you are pushing back into the air around you from your displacement of the air, its breath taking as much as breath sapping,
then you hit ice soon after and you are still turned around, and you try to stop and fail to do so because you don't have enough grip on the mountain that you are on, its gut wrenching, and time freezes at the moment that you know that you are about to either die or injure your self..
and then when you hit snow again and have enough traction to right your self.. and you do so... taking that first breath as the wind begins to hit your face again after what feels like an eternity, is.. ... ... ..

its passion..

its perfect..

you then proceed to ark steeply and then shift into some trees where most people do not tread and you find your self entering some powder that literally feels like you just lost the ground from under your feet.. the feeling that you are still in the same environment, the same sound, the same clean taste in the air, the same sky, but without gravity, and without resistance is baffling to even the best of minds..

the jumps where you leave the ground physically and begin to fly, only to be met with the purity of the pain as your feet slam back into the base of your boots signaling the feelings that you are indeed part of this world could not be farther from the truth when everything around you that rushes past you at high enough speed to hurt you, or put you in a hospital bed, the feelings of the world dropping out from under you, the feeling of fear, anxiety and happiness all at once.. its staggering..

there is nothing like it!
i have gone sky diving, jumped on trampolines, i have hurt my self, had dreams so real that i seemed to never wake up, herd birds and smelt the beauty of a fresh spring day where the snow is melting, and the rain is just starting to fall in a sun shower, i have felt the bitter chill of fall and seen the changing of the leaves in all their glory of life and death and color in fall, the essence of heat and the cooling effects of a cold drink or quick plunge in a semi warm lake that is so clean that you can see the bottom 20 feet down and have friends all around you..
but nothing compares to the grip of the winter when it over takes the land, how it freezes everything, how it kills everything, and how in all it reverend glory, its atestable might, its beauty and grace, and its victorious power... that you stand physically alone at the base of the mountain and look up at the glory and think to your self
this is about to happen...

riding up the ski lift, you freeze.. the wind over taking every corner and nook that you have exposed
the trees draped in the convergence of a time lock of white and sparkling
the ground under you falling to well over 50 feet down signaling that there is no turning back
the gentle shutter of every holding tower that you cross over on your eventual rise to the top of the world
the laughter and words of friends as you chat about the condition of the frozen world around you
the first feeling of getting off the chair where your seat will quickly cool and you are yet again alone to your enclosed senses
you push off with your skis strapped to you, and you glide gracefully over to the launch point at the top of the world and you pause to look around...
miles and miles of frozen trees, the distant haze of the real world off in the corner of your vision, the stark definition of the other clustered mountains around your hill, each glazed with the essence of winter
then you look down..
the run beckoning you, it calls your name and is defiant that you cant simply claim victory in its presence, and laughs at your will to challenge it
and you, locked away in your shields of cloth and technology viewing the world through altered colors from your goggles, your own body heat fluctuating from the environment standing in the alien world, surrounded by howling wind and savagery of jack frosts and lady winters empire...

you push off...

and ski.




such ski
oh powder


Have you ever tried snowboarding?

as i have herd, and seen... snowboarding is like dancing on the snow

Have you thought of writing fanficton?

i have but i didnt have any imaginary fans