Some of the most thoughtful times I have ever had in my life thus far, were sitting in the cab of a truck, at work with nothing to do but think, funny how that works, when we as people fit our minds to something we can do it...
I am considering joining the military and abandoning my life as a civi, but its a comitment that will take 7years of my life.. id be 28 ish by the time I got back...
that's a big number it seems.. 28... but what a experience it would be.. bullets, bombs, aid, and the places id go... ... 1:/
My signature will never take so much out of me in my life.. and I could die, or come back a wreck because I enjoyed watching other die by my finger trigger...
Desissions desisions, and only so long before I can't make the choice...
Don't do it yet. Why not go to college?