When the impossible happens, challenge your assumptions and the correct answers will flow

Eric @River

Age 33, Male

Trucker/HD mechanic


Calgary Alberta

Joined on 3/13/07

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one mans life

Posted by River - June 15th, 2011

Some of the most thoughtful times I have ever had in my life thus far, were sitting in the cab of a truck, at work with nothing to do but think, funny how that works, when we as people fit our minds to something we can do it...
I am considering joining the military and abandoning my life as a civi, but its a comitment that will take 7years of my life.. id be 28 ish by the time I got back...
that's a big number it seems.. 28... but what a experience it would be.. bullets, bombs, aid, and the places id go... ... 1:/
My signature will never take so much out of me in my life.. and I could die, or come back a wreck because I enjoyed watching other die by my finger trigger...
Desissions desisions, and only so long before I can't make the choice...


Don't do it yet. Why not go to college?


5 comments, but I only see 2... er 3

I think for people who dont really know what they want to do with their life, sometimes joining the military isnt a bad idea, it atleast gives you focus and possibly a direction when you get back.

As much as it would be good to not have you die, joining the military can be good like Luis said. Personally I have thought about it myself also, but I am physically weak so likely won't be accepted. If you are fit and think you will enjoy it then I would say go for it, the chance of you dying is going to be there obviously but if you are fine with that it will help you get further in your life. You just always have that question of if you are fine with dying or not.

Its funny.. in todays times your more likely to be killed driving a car with a 5star crash test rating then dieing in a war... just because of the advances in technology and armor and the like... yet we never hear about the .. let's go with alberta here... 200 people dieing on alberta highways a year while the total loss of american life since the beggining of the war is , 4500.. over the last 8 years.. so 200 vs 4500.. sure ita a win, but then you add up all of canada with those crazy drivers in bc and quecec and bibgo presto it hits 4000... and then add usa... well yep... oh and I forgot non 5 star vehicles.. like motorcycles, vehicular manslaughters/ drive by's and people injures to the point of vegitable but cannot be declared dead.. think 10's of thousands...
And here I am driving a 23" truck for a living...
and im drunk right now..ty autocorrecr I bet tour saving my ass all over the place

Just pick one and stick with it.