dear mods.. if you are reading this then this is the fallout of a ... "good sport" sort of duel between me and ass-crumb, i will soon change it, but just for the shits and giggles, i will be keeping it up for a while :)
dead Ass-Crumb
pile of stinking shit
fucking die
~~ Haiku to Ass-Crumb 3-5-3
i wake this morning with shit on my screen
Ass-Crumb was here and he hit the fan screen
not able to make it up and to the wind
he tried again but only found pain
the blades were turning
and sucked him in
he covers the wall now
Ass-Crumb you fucking shit stain
i hate you now in this fit of rage
emotion and anger fill my veins
pump through my heart and straight through my brain
Ass-Crumb you fucking shit stain
~~Rhyme poem to Ass-Crumb
Ass-Crumb i hate you
my poetry is better
nothing but asshole
tarnish your name i have done
hate you till the end of time
~~Tanka poem to Ass-Crumb 5-7-5-7-7
yes Ass-Crumb i completely expect you to come back and make equally awesome poems about me in a bitter sort of way :)